The predictability of the world is rapidly diminishing, and that is affecting the design of the work environment. This has long since ceased to be a long-range plan. "No, the required flexibility has become enormously high."
This observation is made by Reinier Nederhoed. "And the end of that flexibility is not in sight," he immediately links a prediction to it.
Nederhoed is commercial director of Alvero Office Furniture Rental. In his field, of course, he has seen fluctuations in an organization's assets more often in the past. "That moved with boom or bust cycles. But now other factors are at play and the pace is much faster. The need for flexibility goes beyond short- or long-term; it becomes an integral part of the work environment."
An unpredictable world
One of the defining factors he refers to is the factor of predictability, or lack thereof. "That involves economic but also geopolitical uncertainty. Moreover, the question is what technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, will mean for workplaces. Companies don't want to make large investments in their equipment if they don't know what the future holds. As circumstances change rapidly, organizations are increasingly opting for solutions that they can adapt, without the pressure of ownership. Flexible solutions that move with the organization, that's really the direction we're going."
Reconditioning an office environment used to often take place on a five- to seven-year cycle. "But that scope has become much shorter," observes Nederhoed. "It is now at most two years or even shorter; that was almost unthinkable a short time ago."

Eye to employee well-being
Whether it's staff growth, changes in working hours or the mix between working in the office and at home, he says, organizations have a need to be able to adapt their spaces quickly. "Flexibility not only gives companies agility, but also plays an important role in employee well-being. As a good employer, you want to show that you not only think about but also act when rolling out new office concepts. At the same time, this is a huge challenge."
He continues: "The ability to set up workstations to suit different needs, such as quiet concentration areas or, on the contrary, collaborative workstations, contributes to team satisfaction and productivity. This is how you attract and retain people. Organizations are increasingly conscious about creating a work environment in which people feel comfortable."

Reinier Nederhoed"Sometimes after just two months it is clear that something is not working"
Try out hybrid working
Another uncertain factor to consider is the development of hybrid working. Many organizations are searching for the right balance between working in the office and working at home. In that search, they are trying out various forms of workplace. "Sometimes after two months it's clear that something isn't working," says Nederhoed. "Then you want to be able to have the furniture removed and rearrange the spaces. What works well in one organization may not be the solution in another. Customers want to discover what is right for their particular organization and/or department. In doing so, they are wide-eyed; there is constant scaling up and down. In that situation, you don't want to be tied down to ownership or long-term commitments."
On top of that comes sustainability as an increasingly weighty argument. "Companies aspire to investments with a low footprint. They would rather pay for use than possession."
Experimenting and adjusting
Alvero rents out office furniture and complete office equipment without (contract) obligations. "This allows you to experiment, adjust and give things back when necessary." From tables, chairs and cabinets to standing and sitting workstations, acoustic boxes and soft-seating: it's all possible. The furniture comes from Oosterhout in Brabant as well as from branches in Germany, Belgium and France. The furniture is used as workstations, in meeting, lounge and reception areas but also for home offices. "Many companies have purchased all kinds of facilities for working from home, but we rent them out. We deliver it to the employee's home and pick it up again if required."

Reinier Nederhoed"Younger generations value possession much less"
Younger generations
Nederhoed sees tremendous momentum in the office design market. "It's moving so terribly fast." He foresees further acceleration, as younger generations are increasingly in control. "And they are used to subscription forms and are much less attached to ownership. Technology is going to add to that.
When the work environment is in such flux, you don't want to own. Use is the new possession. Flexible solutions allow you to move with the times without worrying about what to do with excess furniture."

Various projects and cases with inspiring work environments:
Do you want to grow with the future?
The work environment of the future requires flexibility. Contact Reinier to find out how we can quickly fit out your office and grow with it!