sustainable interaction with people
Our sustainable vision also reflects in the way we treat people. People within our organization, and people outside our organization. Alvero attaches great importance to a pleasant and safe working environment for all colleagues: in offices, on the road and in our warehouses. We also invest in people much further away from our company. For example, Alvero is a partner of UNICEF's exclusive Business Buddie program.
A pleasant and safe working environment
Our employees are Alvero. They are the signboard of our organization and point of contact on site. We value the well-being of colleagues and make their work as pleasant and safe as possible. For example, by optimizing processes and focusing on automation, which reduces the workload. The proof of these efforts is black and white in our ISO 9001 certificate and our VCA certificate.
UNICEF Business Buddies
How proud we are that Alvero is a UNICEF Business Buddy. This partnership reflects our commitment to corporate social responsibility. We wholeheartedly support a global initiative that can make a difference. UNICEF is committed to the protection, development and well-being of children around the world, and we are honored to contribute to their mission. UNICEF works on countless projects to sustainably improve the lives of children.
Alvero en BrabantSport: Samen voor een Sterker Brabant
Bij Alvero Kantoormeubelverhuur zetten we ons dagelijks in om werkomgevingen flexibeler en duurzamer te maken. Maar onze betrokkenheid gaat verder dan dat. We zijn trots om partner te zijn van BrabantSport, een organisatie die sport en beweging in de regio Brabant naar een hoger niveau tilt.
Sport verbindt, inspireert en brengt mensen samen. Door onze samenwerking met BrabantSport dragen we bij aan maatschappelijke impact in Brabant. Of het nu gaat om het ondersteunen van sportevenementen, het versterken van de lokale gemeenschap, of het creëren van kansen voor sporttalenten: wij staan erachter.
Deze samenwerking sluit naadloos aan bij onze visie op maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen. Naast onze steun aan UNICEF, zijn we enthousiast om nu ook bij te dragen aan een vitaler en sportiever Brabant. Samen maken we meer mogelijk.
Proud partner of MVO Nederland
Naturally, we are a member of MVO Nederland. This is the network of forward-looking companies working together for a sustainable and fair world. By joining this network we are growing socially and ecologically. Together with other companies, we contribute to the transition to a sustainable economy, in which well-being, fairness and the environment are central. The time when financial gain comes before everything is far behind us.
Contact Alvero
Do you have a question for us? Please contact Reinier.