The school year is just around the corner, the tuition is not yet.
The Amsterdam IJburg College contacted us with a major an acute problem. Against expectations, the ordered school furniture could not be delivered on time. While the new school year was already approaching. Vmbo, havo and vwo students were in the starting blocks with full bags. Thanks to our large stock of rental furniture, we can quickly solve even these kinds of major challenges. And so in no time, bucket chairs, basic tables, and roller door cabinets were on their way to IJburg College. Enough to get all the students into the (right) benches on time. The entire school was helped and could wait with peace of mind for the final furniture.
Need furniture due to unforeseen circumstances? Looking for furniture to handle a temporary peak moment or want to test furniture? Rent the furniture from Alvero and solve problems immediately.
You need work furniture for six months?
.We'll provide a solution that's right for you. What do you need to move forward for the next six months? Before we start talking about office furniture, we first map out your needs. So that you get maximum benefit from that temporary expansion of your work environment. We devise and deliver the solution that works best for your organization. The best fit for your team. Does it turn out after a few months that things have to be done differently? Then we'll take care of that too. Renting keeps you flexible.
Need furniture for several months?
Discuss your needs with Wil-Jan! Alvero has many choices and large quantities of furniture available. Call us and we'll come up with a solution today that we can deliver quickly.

Rien van der Heijden, Business support a.s.r."Under great time pressure, Alvero arranged both the moving in and moving out of the workstations perfectly. All agreements were fulfilled on time. Flexible solutions in connection with the renovation were quickly and adequately met."