Alvero Furniture Management - the management system for the transition to circular office design
All office-based organizations in the Netherlands are also going to contribute to the transition to a fully sustainable and circular economy. Reuse of materials and reduction of CO2 emissions are essential in this process.
Dutch office buildings are full of office furniture, but exact insight that the users/owners of these buildings have into that furniture is often limited. The balance sheet may show an amount that reflects the value of the office furniture or inventory. But that gives no insight into exactly which furniture is where, in which building and on which floor it is located, what the composition of the products is and what they are made of, whether they are responsibly produced products and to what extent these products can be reused in the future. Alvero Furniture Management (AMM) provides this insight and can make a significant contribution to the circular transition of office furnishings.

Our role is in contributing to the transition
Facility managers, real estate managers and housing consultants need data more than ever to meet the needs of internal clients. The office environment is changing and will continue to change in the coming years. Data-driven facility management is necessary to efficiently manage all those changes. AMM is an asset management system in which all relevant data relating to an office facility are managed. The starting point here is an inventory of the complete office equipment where all items are provided with a unique RFID tag. This RFID tag is linked to a platform in which all relevant information relating to a product is included, such as:
- type
- brand
- image
- production date
- location (where it is located)
- storey (where it is located)
- department (where it is located)
- functional specifications
- state of the product
- composition statement or raw material passport
- maintenance history
- expected future maintenance chain
- depreciation and residual value
- possibilities of redeployment
- current market value
New office furniture will continue to be needed to keep our offices future-proof, modern and inviting. With AMM, however, you give your office furniture an identity and additional value; of many of the office furniture currently in use, after any maintenance or repair action, modification or upgrading, the lifespan and period of use can be significantly extended. In your own building or elsewhere. After all, well-used office furniture is highly desirable, especially since its use contributes to achieving sustainability goals.

An efficient platform for you, as well as for your partners
To access the AMM platform, customers have their own login and can also give partners such as office furniture suppliers, maintenance companies, installation companies, cleaning companies and moving companies access to enter or receive purchase and service orders. The AMM always provides insight into what is where, in what numbers and thus contributes to efficient and cost-effective facility management. Moreover, it can be used not only for the office furniture but also for equipment such as computers, printers, coffee machines, lighting (wall and ceiling), screens, etc. And the RFID technology used also makes any annual inventory in an office building simple; with the use of a scanner, all RFID-equipped items can be read remotely at the touch of a button and bundled together in one overview.
Created from a proprietary need
AMM is part of Alvero Office Furniture Rental, which manages a fleet of hundreds of thousands of furniture items that are moved on a daily basis, causing our own available inventory to constantly change in nature and size. To manage our own assets efficiently and effectively, we linked our automation system to RFID tagging of our furniture fleet. And when a request came from some customers to also properly map their furniture inventory and house it in a platform, we developed the AMM.
Curious about what AMM can do for your organization?
Get advice on Alvero Furniture Management. Then you'll know what you've got and what you need. Joris will be happy to explain how it works for your organization.